The 'I Can' Attitude: Time for a Tune-Up
It's a reality that we tend not to think about: the population of our planet has increased significantly; as a result, competition has also increased, making it tirelessly challenging to market oneself in a world connected at the speed of light. I have known people who have given up competing for jobs that could offer increased pay, benefits, and perks that might be irresistible to turn down. Maintaining a positive attitude can be challenging when receiving messages like "We've chosen another candidate who better fits our needs." It can be disheartening to face repeated rejections, but it's important to stay resilient. How do we become better equipped to push forward in this dynamic tech world? There are no easy solutions. Hard work is the only catalyst to market all the skills that you believe make you better than other applicants—potentially landing you a career job or perhaps just a temp position to help you gain experience for your next endeavor.
I foresee the job market becoming increasingly difficult as we move closer to AI dominance, and there is no pause button currently—you must jump on the train with everyone else. The 'I Can' attitude is no longer viable in today’s world of digital integration, because AI has already mixed itself into a good majority of job seekers’ profiles, tuning them precisely how AI sees it best for their success. Full reliance on your own intuition is no longer perfect in the context of AI advancements. Can you position yourself against the AI machine and still become successful?
Efficiency Gains for HR Departments and Applicants
Imagine a floodgate opening, and a small to midsize HR department needs to hire three candidates for various positions in the company, requiring an expedited hiring process. With nearly 200 applicants flooding in through digital portals, how does an HR department choose the right candidate? Is it because the applicant sounded nice over the phone? Perhaps the applicant graduated from an Ivy League college? LinkedIn’s Job Match recently launched AI-powered features that help job seekers understand how their qualifications align with specific job requirements—a tool that reduces job search time by up to 50%. That’s good and all, but from the HR department’s perspective, they need something to guarantee that the candidate is a good choice.
There are a few powerful AI tools that can help. For instance, there’s an AI-powered applicant tracking system (ATS) that can quickly scan and filter resumes, or predictive analytics that utilize AI algorithms to predict which applicants are most likely to succeed in a role, helping recruiters make more informed decisions. Perhaps my favorite is bias reduction, where AI can help reduce unconscious bias by focusing on skills and qualifications rather than personal details, promoting a fairer hiring process.
So what about applicant efficiency? Since AI has become so widespread and marketable, the best tool an applicant can use is partnering with AI, because applicants need just as much efficiency to stay marketable and relevant.
The Benefits of Partnering with Your Personal AI
I use Copilot to help me navigate through the digital jungle because, first, it is a big relief knowing that my work can be edited properly without spending a fortune on hiring someone. Granted, there are many apps that can edit writing material; however, I am only paying $20.00 a month for Copilot Pro, and I am immensely satisfied. I’ve tried a few others that were equally as good, but I liked Copilot due to its ability to help me write HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. When a candidate is editing their resume or even a cover letter for a sought-after position, a good AI platform has the ability to bring out the best in someone by highlighting their skills in a souped-up marketing ad called a cover letter. I use it all the time because AI can scan the job responsibilities on the job ad and cross-examine my resume and then create a cover letter that shows how my skills relate to the job position.
A good prompt to ask AI is, "Cross-examine my resume and the job position, making sure to highlight why I am a stronger candidate for the position." That’s just an example. The better you get with input vs. output strategy when dialoguing with AI, the more responsive AI is with details. So don’t feel as if you are cheating by falling into the notion that you are not original. You are original, but now that AI is here to stay, you and AI will pair together and create a better you so that you are capable of competing within the AI-infused job market. For those who ask, "Have you used AI for any intellectual advancements in your career pursuits?" simply say, "AI has helped me align my skills within the fast-paced, technology-driven market. To compete successfully, I have partnered with AI." If AI is our partner in this tech-driven world, let us embrace it and stay current in our competitive drive.
Closing Thoughts
In a world where AI integration is rapidly transforming the job market, maintaining a positive attitude and staying resilient are key. Despite the challenges and rejections, it's important to keep refining your skills and leveraging the power of AI to stay competitive. Partnering with AI not only enhances your efficiency but also positions you for success in this fast-paced, technology-driven landscape. Embrace the change, and let AI be your ally in achieving your career goals.

MJ Grenier
With a passion for crafting compelling content, he creates captivating pieces for Scáth Solas Life. He thrives on interviewing people, exploring their photography interests, traveling, and composing stories about their lives. His dedication to the craft is evident in every piece he creates, weaving together vibrant narratives that reflect the diverse experiences and perspectives of those he encounters.